She has been hiding her wisdom and power, thinking she is protecting her children. Playing it safe. Wanting to be liked. But what that means is they feel her integrity is not trustable, or reliable.
Our children need stability, strength and boundaries. They need to see them in action, so their world feels safe and trustable.
You see, people have been walking all over her, treating her badly, talking about her, not showing her respect. But to receive those… she has to embody them herself first. She has to loving command the position she wants in the world, and in her family.
So, she can’t be flaky. She has to bust through her personal veils of fear to be bold, brave and strong. To be real and authentic in how she presents herself to the world. No more ‘nice girl’ behaving the way she ‘thinks’ people want her to be.
Being the nice girl is exhausting and doesn't serve anyone in the long run!
Because actually it’s all bulls**t. And its clearly not working. Her children barely speak to her. And, she really sees herself another way. She actually knows herself as strong, powerful and brave. She is super proud of herself and what she has achieved. So why is she hiding her true self from the world?
She felt all this coming to the surface for her attention. And today it really cracked open and landed. She found the stuck piece and released it. She stepped up onto the podium. She waded through the illusion, the ugly parts she once feared. And she has to keep doing this anytime she is challenged or tested.
That’s what Queens do.
She rose to her feet, to feel what is like to claim her place in the world…
The Wise Woman within.
The Matriarch of her family.
This week it has really been an honour to witness my clients being strong and brave, facing their shit and busting through to new ways of showing up in the world. Deep bow sisters.