Her body began to speak to her… in a way only the deep feminine will. She tried to do ‘more’… but her body said… ‘rest’… and commanded her to stop filling the spaces with more doing…
It had been a big, long, emotional year.
So, when she rested… softened and let go… she met her truth, deep in the pulsing dark waters… in a way only the authentic feminine knows. She had tried to do more, be more, reach for more… and yet, she already had what she was looking for, on the inside. It spoke to her clearly. ‘It is already here’.
Less is more now.
Our mind will play tricks, whisper you are not enough, and tell you to fill the spaces with more. But really, you do get to a point where… if you can’t start to live that way, or land it in the body… What is it all for? What are you seeking? What are you reaching for? What is your resistance to feeling, to slowing down?...
You are already a master of the mind… rest now, and listen.
It is time to surrender to the temple of the womb… where the seeds of your desire, freedom, sensual flow, the wild and free feminine will flourish. It is time. And she is ready.
Women are sensory creatures.
A wordless embodied connection to our true selves.
At times we need to run wild with the wolves unapologetically.
Our true nature calls us…
The remedy to the overthinking mind, tense nervous system, stagnant sexual current, and chaotic world.
We need this. Even if you don’t completely know it yet.
It is calling you… rest… and listen, and feel.
Every modern woman still needs this.
Rest in the cave of your deep intuition.