
Who knew she was sensitive!

She had been playing that corporate power suit world. Thinking she had to be mean to be respected. Not in a super conscious way. It just how she thought it was done. Power. Control. Steamrolling. Without too much concern for her emotions or those of others.

But in her personal life… she was suffering. Cold, numb, didn’t like to be touched and hard to please. She kinda felt fake. She didn’t really get people, or connect to them much. So she knew something was amiss. She wanted to feel more. She longed to laugh out loud and have real friends. The kind that wanted to hang and play.

She also wanted to soften to receive his touch and enjoy it. She wanted to want him more. But her body was ridged and foreign to the temple of pleasure.

So it took some time to realise all of this, and break down the walls and shed the layers of protection. Numbness. Pain. Anger. Sadness. And then it came… joy, pleasure, laughter… and sensitivity. Who knew! She was shocked. She thought other people had it, but not her. Wrong. It was there, waiting.

You see we all have it – connection, flow, emotions, sensitivity. But somewhere along the way we shut it down because we are told to suck it up, dry your eyes and get on with it. Being made bad for being emotional. But when you shut down your emotions, you lose your lustre for life. You give up the Devil and kill your Goddess in one clean sweep. Black and white. Good and bad. Light and shadow. Sun and moon. Summer and winter. It all has its place.

So once you undo all that bullshit conditioning from childhood and past relationships… you get to find your true self again. And just be her. That’s so much easier…

Who knew she was sensitive, wonderful, joy filled and sensual?

Now, she does.

Wendy Watters

Personal Life Coaching.

Emotional Health Care.

Feminine Embodiment.



