
I tend to attract clients who are ready to work in their body.

Those who have already unpacked it at the mind level and who have hit a plateau in their journey.

The ones who feel frustrated in that ‘I know it intellectually, but why can’t I live my life that way’.

‘Yeah it all makes sense, but I still can’t do it’.

That’s because the mind is only one part of the game. If your mind is controlling you, life will become ridged and mundane.

We are sensory creatures, and whilst there is fear around living in the body, it’s how we function at our best.

Eg: How do you expect to experience flow, pleasure and joy if you have old wounds, sadness or anger stuck in your body?

How to you expect to soften and enjoy touch if your system is full of tension?

What is it that you would really like instead?

Wendy Watters

Personal Life Coaching.

Emotional Health Care.

Feminine Embodiment.


