Some big magic been happening in sessions this week... I have to really take this moment to honour my clients.
Lets take a closer look at what they received:
'I am deeply rooted in safety, and trust in my intuition. To show up in a new way with men, and in the world. I was made to be wrong when I was little in so many ways, and now I have the tools to take care of myself in a new way'.
'I will know what to do when the opportunity arrises when I meet her. I know what I have to do first. I know the way to let go, heal and be free. Lots happened in the guided process, and I got the clarity I needed'.
'I feel so good. Its amazing how much I have changed in such a short time. When you read me back how I told you how I felt, I dont even know that person anymore. I feel more confident. I am speaking up. I feel more, which is amazing. Next thing to work on is my boundaries'.
'All the 'trying' is exhausting me. I now see all the ways I have been betraying myself, fear of the unknown and fear of judgement. I see how I have been so caught up in my labels and its robbing me of me. When I met my true self she said 'be still, just be me, and remember me'. I get now what that actually feels like'. (ahhh the simplicity in just being yourself, and knowing what that feels like)...
'I see how me chasing love actually pushes the people I love away. My true self is gentle, aware, connected and loveable. I dont have to chase love, because 'I am radiant love'. The real me wants to move with purpose, meaning and slow down.' (Her true essence is healing, softening and awakening, releasing tension to experience pleasure... a mysterious sensual radiant woman).
'I trust in me. I am a person of value. I hold the space within myself to come home to me. I choose me first. There was something inside holding me back. But when I go into my body, there is a comfortable deep knowing. A comfy home'. (Radiating this inner security will support her to parent her daughter better).
Each woman experienced these messages (and so much more) of awakening, healing and growth in their embodiment sessions. Messages from deep in the body, the womb and heart are authentic and trustable.
Another theme this week was when we set a powerful intent and call that in - look out... because its coming for you at a rapid pace in this new Age of Aquarius. Good stuff comes fast when you are ready and ask for it. Deep bow sisters. xW
What will you devote yourself to?