
Big magic arrives in the spaciousness.
But make no mistake. It won’t come unless you do a few simple things.
Be in nature and slow down to receive. You need to be in your body and feel spacious. Free from the hectic modern shit that weights us down.
Let go to create fresh space. Have a ‘letting go’ ritual. Which can be as simple as saying out loud what you let go of. What’s dead and finished and needs to be shed?
Let it go.
And there you have it. Fresh space for the newness.
Call it on in. Big magic is looking for you. Call it on in.
For so long I dismissed the notion of calling in what I wanted because I kinda left it up to ‘if it’s meant to be it’s meant to be’… but when I got serious about the simplicity of letting go and asking for what I wanted. More goodness found me everyday.
Remember, it begins with being in the right place to ask, listen and receive. To be in-body.
If you are feeling blocked, ridged and dusty, it’s hard for it to find you.
Start… here, Nature is the medicine.
Wendy Watters

Personal Life Coaching.

Emotional Health Care.

Feminine Embodiment.


