Who are we in this changing world?
Who am I if I am changing?
As everything around us is shaking, collapsing and rebirthing.
How do we hold ourselves steady in the extended chaos?
Whether you know it or not, it’s happening all around you.
I feel it in every cell of my body. I feel my own worries, grief and weariness. I feel the collective uncertainty and turbulence.
How do we take care of ourselves in a practical way?
🌳 Simplify your life. Cut everything loose that’s not essential. Free up time and space. Lay low.
🌳 Drift in and out of outside pressures (Eg: social media). Much like being immersed in grief constantly, it’s too intense. So have times for the reality of the chaos and change, and know when to step away for daily quiet time. Move in and out of stresses.
🌳 Be in nature daily. It’s vital.
🌳 Find ‘home’ in your body. Safety lives in you. Daily active belly breathing is a must.
🌳 Your truth is in your gut. Trust this.
🌳 Feel the love in your heart. Practice self compassion and extend this gently to others.
🌳 Be around supportive like minded people. Find your crew. Build community.
🌳 Allow yourself to feel your emotions. This is healing. Place your hands on your body and feel the tension, sadness, grief, fear, anger… allow it to be, as a feeling… it will unravel and release.
🌳 Reflect on who you are, how you want your life to be, what you are letting go of and what you are calling in. Call in the person you want to be and the world you want to live in. Journal.
🌳 Take it day by day. If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, day by day is enough. (Rather than loop stories or catastrophise).
🌳 Practice joy and gratitude. Notice the simple pleasures that already surround you.
🌳 Have one future thing that excites you. What’s something coming up, or you want to do that fills you with excitement? (A camping trip, dinner with a friend, a new garden you are planting, an online course etc).
🌳 Reach out. Talk to a caring friend.
🌳 Get a massage. Do something that makes you feel good in your body. Nourish you.
I use all of these tools myself ❤️ xW
I embrace the change I am becoming.